Remote Treatment
Our experienced medical experts can undertake remote assessments on patients who are suffering from a variety of musculoskeletal, psychological and other grievances.
This assessment process allows the medical experts to determine what level of treatment should be provided to the patient.
From thereon, each session will be tailored to suit the patient’s needs.
Benefits of Remote Treatment:
-Studies show this form of treatment is just as effective as receiving it in person.
-Ideal treatment due to the current Covid-19 period.
At Specialists Panel all of our Physiotherapists are chartered and state registered – our purpose is to provide one to one treatment for our patients.
Once an accurate diagnosis of Musculoskeletal pain has been determined our experienced physiotherapists will commence the treatment.
Common conditions treated include, neck and joint pain, back, whiplash associated injuries, headaches, sports and running injuries, repetitive strain injuries and pre and post-surgical rehabilitation.
If you are a solicitor or a medico-legal rehabilitation company, please get in touch with us regarding our medico-legal services.
Our Medical experts:
-General Practitioners
-Orthopaedic specialists
-ENT surgeons
-Plastic surgeons
-Neurological surgeons
-Cognitive behaviour therapy specialists